
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Getting PUMPED for the marathon

Deena Kastor broke the US Masters Marathon record today at the Chicago Marathon! Woot woot!

Having access to Oiselle team pages on Facebook and thus having marathon posts throughout my Facebook feed has really gotten me pumped to run another marathon...on an emotional level.  If I start to think about all those training workouts and miles I start to get less excited, I'll admit :)

This is very evident in my training log for the last week:  26.1 miles.  Holy Schnikey!  (Here is the part where I clue you into the fact that this is a lot for me.)  I EVEN GOT MY BUTT OUT OF BED ON TWO mornings to get workouts in before work!  I am going to make an effort to do this at least two days during the work week.  It does make me really tired (more so than if I ran at night), but it is nice not to feel rushed at night thinking "Hurry up - get kids to bed".   And while it is dark now in the mornings, it is dark at night when I run too - at least the mornings will lighten up with daylight savings time.

If I run before work, I have a short run - 30 minutes and some change.  I get up at 5, throw clothes on, get the run in and dive into the morning routine to get out the door by 6:45 so I can be to work by 7.  It's somewhat of a challenge but doable.  Once I have to stretch those runs out longer, I don't know if I can get up any earlier than 5.

I finished a yoga for runners seminar at our local yoga studio.  It was Ah-Maze-ING.  I am really sad that the instructor doesn't do regular classes.  She gave us some handouts to do a routine at home - but we all know how yoga at my house goes (pssst.  It doesn't).

Marathon training starts 12/28/15.  I don't have a plan selected yet...thinking about hiring out for that.  I may just use the same plan I used for the Wisconsin Marathon last May too.  I have 78 days to decide.

In the next 78 days...I have nothing.  I have not signed up for any races before 4/18/16.  I still am hoping to find a good 5K to give the sub 19 one more try.

1 comment:

  1. Deena is a rock star! Way to be consistent about running...and get after that 5K in the next 78 days!
