
Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday Links!

First off, have you seen this list of 16 Quirky Runner Types yet?  So funny.  The one I most identify with:

I also read Sarah Mac's blog post How To Go Faux Pro.  Every day I think of how cool it would be to be a professional runner, thinking that is mostly fueled by all of the elite running blogs I read.   I assessed my current state against Mac's list.  Here goes:

Nutrition - This is an area that I am increasing interested in, fueled by completing Whole30. I have really paid more attention to getting more fats in my diet and have had great results.  I eat way less sugar than I used to (but still eat sugar!).     I am adding Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition book to me to-read list! (Let me know if you have any recommendations in this area!)

Massage Therapy - This is an area that I do really nothing in.  OCCASIONALLY (read never) I will drag out the foam roller.  I would LOVE to get a massage on a monthly basis.

Physical Therapy + Body Work - I paid to have an assessment done prior to half marathon training and I have been working on some of the stuff, but not as much as I could be. (Point me back to this the next time I get injured.)  I need to do more yoga.  This is something that I have really struggled with incorporating back into my routine since switching jobs.  (My previous job had Tuesday Power Yoga over the lunch hour.)

Recovery - As I mentioend last week, I am working on running my recovery runs slower.  I have also been eating an RxBar or a Picky Bar immediately upon walking in the door from my runs, which is new to me this training cycle.  Initially I had to force myself to eat it as I didn't feel hungry, but now I have trained my body and the tummy is waiting for it!

Sleep - I would love to get more sleep.  Currently if I am lucky enough to sleep through the night, I get about 7 - 7.5 hours of sleep.  I know I do better with at least 8.

Practice Race Day Fuel - I have not been good about this at all.  My plan was to try out Gen Ucan products during this training cycle and I haven't yet.  There is still time!

Be Your Best You - I feel that this training cycle I am doing this, something I was not doing during Boston training cycle.  The more I self-reflect on those four months, the more I am aware of how freakin' stressed out I was, particularly about pace and getting really down if I didn't hit my goal paces.

Speaking of goals, my other goal is to be Gwen Jorgensen. #lifegoals  Here are HER next life goals. (P.S.  Did you see how she CRUSHED the Twin Cities 10 miler?!

That's all for this week.  Happy Friday and Happy Reading!

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