
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Maintenance Miles Week 9 Review

I didn't hit my 25 mile goal last week.  We had a cold spell (negative temps that felt even more negative) so I was stuck on the treadmill for a lot of runs.  Because of this, I just was gunning for the 20.37 miles I needed for 1700 annual. 

Monday Dec 25

Tuesday Dec 26
4.0 treadmill miles, 35:13 (8:48 avg pace)

Wednesday Dec 27
4.5 miles, 35:45 (7:56 avg pace)
I told myself that if the outdoor temperature was positive today, I would run outside. It was 6 degrees so I brought stuff to work to run during the day. (My colleagues thought I was nuts.) It ended up being a pretty nice run!

Thursday Dec 28
3.3 miles, 26:17 (7:58 avg pac)
It was 10 degrees and snowing so I again ventured outside.  I used my yaktrax but it was still difficult to find my footing.  I made it 3.3 but it felt like 10.

Friday Dec 29
Back to negative temps.  Husband came home from work sick so I was on the 'mill after my house was in bed.
3.5 treadmill miles, 31:19 (8:57 avg pace)

Saturday Dec 30
3.3 treadmill miles, 30:00 (9:05 avg pace)
Ugh.  I really did not want to run.  I had starting drinking wine while cooking dinner.  My contacts were bothering me so I put my glasses on.  The kids went to bed and then I was thinking, "I could chip away at the 5.07 miles I have left to get to 1700".  So I hopped on the 'mill with my glasses and a big water botttle of Nuun. 

Sunday Dec 31
1.77 treadmill miles, 15:46 (8:54 avg pace)
We had our last holiday celebration with family this day so I planned on getting the exact minimum in before church.  YAY!

Weekly Total: 20.37 miles

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